

Eggs contain many vitamins

Eggs contain many nutrients
Chicken eggs are not only delicious but also usable in many ways. Also, they contain important vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Chicken eggs contribute an important part to a healthy diet. The Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry (KAT) pointed that out. Eggs contain protein, which is rich of essential amino acids and thus transforms well into endogenous protein. Furthermore, they contain important nutrients: By consuming one single egg, an adult can cover more than ten percent of the daily requirements of the vitamins A, D, B2, niacin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B12. Therefore, eggs are considered to be a valuable vitamin source, especially because they are relatively low in calories: One egg only makes up around 3,5 percent of the recommended caloric intake of men (2600 kcal) and 4,2 percent of the recommended caloric intake of women (2300kcal).

Important vitamin D-supplier
Humans need vitamin D for bone formation and metabolic regulating of calcium and phosphate. Chicken eggs are one of the few foods which contain vitamin D. Vitamin B12 is needed in the human organism for blood formation and reduction of single fatty acids. Because vitamin B12 exclusively appears in animal products, eggs are an alternative for humans who do not eat meat. All vitamins are located mainly within the egg yolk. Depending on how the egg is prepared and how long it is heated, a part of those nutrients is lost in the process. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E remain stable.

Valuable iron source for children
Minerals such as natrium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, calcium and phosphor are found in a great amount within chicken eggs. Egg yolk has the second highest phosphor content within foods, right after cheese. Also, egg yolks contain essential trace minerals, especially iron, but also zinc, manganese, chromium and cobalt in higher concentration. Since children are able to reabsorb iron well from eggs, cooked egg yolks are used in baby food. Besides vitamins, minerals and trace elements, chicken eggs also contain lecithin. As so-called biological emulgent, lecithin plays an important part within the fat digesting in the small intestine.

Weight categories

Grade A eggs are graded according to the following weight classes:

XL - extra large: 73g and more
L - large: 63g to 73g
M - medium: 53g to 63 g
S - small: under 53 g


Eggshell colour: White or brown

Eggshell color: White or brown
Generally, it is true that brown hens also lay brown eggs. But as the folk saying goes, exceptions confirm the rule, so that white hens exist, which lay brown eggs and the other way around. The color of the feathering is not a reliable criterion of the eggshell’s color. Others say that the color of the ear lobes are crucial to its eggshell color. But that can only be considered as a broad rule. The obvious presumption, that the egg color is random, is also not true. The color of the eggs is simply a matter of genetics and given to each hen by birth.

By the way:
The color of the eggshell has no effect on the taste. It is rumored that brown eggs often have the better taste, which might be the reason why 60% of the Germans prefer this color, but the taste depends mainly on the husbandry conditions, the breed and the food.